Tomato Soup with Egg - by Karen Y.

Tomato Soup with Egg - by Karen Y.


* 2 tomatoes

* 1 egg

* 1 Tbsp oil

* 1 C cold water

* tomato paste

* salt



1) Warm 1 Tbsp of oil in a pan for the tomatoes.

2) Next, use a knife to cut the tomatoes into 8 pieces and add them to the hot oil.


3) Add a medium bowl of cold water (about 1 cup) to the tomatoes.  Bring to a simmer.

4) Break an egg into a separate bowl and mix the egg white and yolk together.

5) Add the egg to the tomato soup and stir with a fork.

6) Add a bit of tomato paste (optional).

7) Add a little salt to taste.

8) Enjoy!