Balancing a Fine Line between Being a Working Mom and Parent in Canada - by Fei H.

Balancing a Fine Line between Being a Working Mom and Parent in Canada - by Fei H.

            Coming to Canada, I never imagined how difficult it would be to juggle a job as a full-time career woman and also be a mom to a beautiful daughter.  Day after day I always thought about how women in Canada do both because it is challenging - especially if you're an immigrant!


            As immigrants, we struggle because we lack family support in Canada, so we need to take care of our kids on our own. It would be nice if we had our parents’ help in this new country. This way we could take turns with our parents taking care of our kids. In the event no parents are available, we could ask our community to help us find close and reliable friends and not hesitate to ask for their help.


            Effective time management is also important. Full-time career women spend a lot of their time in the morning getting ready to go to work. Before we go to work, we have to do the morning rituals such as make breakfast, drop kids off to school/daycare. Later in the day after work, we have to do evening rituals such as pick the kids up, prepare dinner, clean up, bathe our kids, and then put them to bed. By the time our kids get to sleep, we are tired. We basically work 24 hours/7 days a week nonstop. A mom needs time for herself, but in reality, she has no time.  Therefore, you need to take a break. Ask your husband to take care of your kids when you go shopping or ask your friends when you want to have dinner or watch a movie with your husband. These are a few suggestions for recharging your energy.


            Not only time, but financial responsibility is also important. If you are a full-time working mom and have no family in Canada, you need a daycare to take care of your kids. Daycare is very expensive; sometimes it’s better for you to be a full-time mom rather than working to pay the daycare. On the other hand, one income is not enough to pay your mortgage and living expenses. In these cases, one of the couples should sacrifice to work a night shift job, and then you still have two incomes with no need to pay a daycare to take care of your kids.


            From personal experience, I know it is difficult being a working mom and parent, but with our hard work, our perseverance, good teamwork with our husband and some help from our friends, we can overcome our struggles and become a successful working mom in Canada. 


            Not only time, but financial responsibility is also important. If you are a full-time working mom and have no family in Canada, you need a daycare to take care of your kids. Daycare is very expensive; sometimes it’s better for you to be a full-time mom rather than working to pay the daycare. On the other hand, one income is not enough to pay your mortgage and living expenses. In these cases, one of the couples should sacrifice to work a night shift job, and then you still have two incomes with no need to pay a daycare to take care of your kids.


            From personal experience, I know it is difficult being a working mom and parent, but with our hard work, our perseverance, good teamwork with our husband and some help from our friends, we can overcome our struggles and become a successful working mom in Canada.